That's right, 3 grade school boys in a room with 1 ball of Jelly Yarn and a tempting pair of scissors.

I'd say there's less than a half of a skein left. Note to self: if providing Jelly Yarn as a party favor, allow 1 skein for every 3-4 kids.
Ready for the....Happy Holidays 2008 Free Pattern? This pattern is very simple and easy and requires only the most basic crochet skills. Full copyright held by Vashti Braha; for personal use only, please share the link to this pattern, not the pattern itself. Thank you.
Book Bling Bungee
Supplies Needed:
- 5mm/H/US8 aluminum crochet hook
- Jelly Yarn, fine weight: small amount
- Some bling (I found these giant acrylic 'crystals' in a holiday display at Michaels)
- 2"x2" (approx.) scrap of Foamies (foam rubber sheet-also at Michaels); I cut mine into a tree ornament shape and punched a hole in the top.
- Hand lotion, small amount (for hook)
- Don't use hand lotion yet. String bling onto Jelly Yarn ("JY"). Make a very tight slip knot with a loop to fit over your hook. Chain 3.
- Don't use hand lotion yet. Pull up one bling bead close to hook, chain: this is a beaded chain stitch. Repeat for the rest of your strung bling. You can use hand lotion now.
- Insert hook into hole that you punched into your foam piece, pull JY strand through, chain 1.
- Chain about 54--it depends on how tightly you chain and the size of your book. Finished bungee will stretch.
- Stop using hand lotion (so that your fastening off will stay tight.) Slip stitch into each of first 3 chain stitches to form a ring, slip stitch into the next 2 beaded chains, chain 1, fasten off as tightly as possible. Hide ends behind bling. Write something on foam piece with magic marker if desired.