Wednesday, January 31

Rock Beds

One way to impress a seven year old with your crochet powers is to make him something in 5 minutes.
Would anyone like the pattern? ;-)

Monday, January 1

"Massively Mini Media Player" Layer

Thought of a stocking stuffer for my son at the 11th hour Christmas Eve: a 'cozy' for his Chanukah present, a Massively Mini Media Player. This iPod-like gadget is small and slippery (and expensive) so it needs some kind of protective case. "Bob" is into "hippie" stuff lately (he asked for a lava lamp, tie-dye kit, and a magic 8 ball too), so I figured he'd wear something crocheted as long as it didn't look girly. Luckily I finished it just in time--it maybe took me 2 hours. He wears it proudly (red is his fav color) and I wish I had a photo of his face when he unwrapped it and realized what it is. He is most impressed that the holes allow him to press the buttons on the front and use the headphone jacks at the top. I didn't tell him that making holes wherever one wants them is what crocheters do best.

Friday, November 17

G-G-Ghost B-B-Bunny

Halloween being one of my most favorite holidays, it's not over for me until another holiday takes its place. So I introduce to you a joint effort between my son and me: Hector the Ectoplasmic Ectomorph (a.k.a. Ghostbunny).
I crocheted a barrel-chested squat bunny with pure angora yarn. When my son hand-felted it, its body type changed rapidly from endomorph to ectomorph. 'Bob' was so eager to felt it while getting ready for school in the morning that I didn't get a before-felting photo. Knowing this yarn (Jolie) I'd say it's two-thirds felted. A clones knot tail felted beautifully by the way. The ghostly eyes are my first-ever attempt at needle-felting which I did with a size #16 steel crochet hook from Lacis and wool roving from my Mom. Yeah, no paws, isn't it spooky?

Hector tends to float through life better than stroll or sit, so I needed a prop for him. He's the one who requested the tub of Ricemellow Creme. That is just so typical of him.