Friday, October 27

Glee Worm Tests Result in a Free Pattern

That face....that tilt of the head....don't you want to pinch its cheeks?
Worms just want a little love.
The final test scores were very high: After showing his Dad what it can do (perch on a pencil, stretch to five times its length, get thrown in the air and bounce a little, etc), Bob took "Pumpkin Worm" to school, lost it, and misses it.

Note: we've added two new worms--a blue one and a lime green one--to fill the void left by Pumpkin. They're cousins. Bob could tell by looking at their eyes.

When a toy survives Bob's tests, the design is reviewed for possible publication; in this case, it qualifies for free pattern status at this blog! See complete pattern below:

Glee Worm

(like "glow worm" because the Jelly Yarn almost glows, get it?)
Pattern is for personal use only, make a copy for your own use but copies of pattern in any form may not be distributed in any way; please link to this site instead, you know the drill. Thank you.

  • Jelly Yarn (R), fine weight, about 3 yds. (That means 1 skein could net you 28 worms! Yee-haw!)
  • G/4mm crochet hook
  • A little hand lotion, or a "Vinylex"-type silicone if hook doesn't glide enough (comes with the Jelly Yarn)
  • 2 seed beads of contrasting color with big enough holes for the yarn.
  • clear glue (I used Aleene's Platinum Bond for jewelry)
  • Yarn needle
Commence hooking:
  1. Leave a 3-inch tail and make a slip knot so tightly that you stretch the yarn thinly; put a dab of glue on that knot. Chain 18.
  2. Single crochet in 2nd chain from hook, 2 single crochet in each chain across except last; 1 single crochet in last, fasten off with a tight knot, dab knot with glue, and leave a 3-inch tail.
  3. String 1 bead onto 1 tail. Weave tail in such a way that it positions the bead to look like an eye; you'll probably need to use a yarn needle. Secure with glue and trim. Repeat for other eye.

Thursday, October 26

Introducing the Toy Tester, "Bob"

Since I've moved the "Julio" photo to the top of the blog, here's one of my favorites from about 3 years ago, "Bob" in alien form:
Aren't some of the best toys dollar store toys?? These adhesive eyeballs are just little styrofoam balls with paper irises stuck on them.
So this is my boy and lately he goes by the alias "Bob". In this picture he is in spy mode and then he goes by the name "Julio". (I know it's my son, though, because I recognize the tshirt.)

Freshest off the hook is a worm, so fresh that Bob hasn't even seen it yet. Will be back with an update.